Recent Awards

Sport Industry Awards
Active & Wellbeing Category [Shortlisted]

Shortlisted for the RED January 2023 campaign, a movement and mental wellbeing campaign I developed strategically, and supported on content delivery.

CASE Awards - Gold
Communications Initiative Category [Won]

Led the True Planet campaign that won CASE Gold, with judges noting “each decision in that process was as close to perfect as possible. This campaign tackled a subject that has been in the public eye for years and yet seemed fresh and appealing.”

CIPR Awards
Best Education Campaign [Shortlisted]

Shortlisted for the True Planet campaign, a climate and environmental science campaign I managed in the build-up to the 2021 COP in Glasgow.

Times Higher Education Awards
Outstanding Marketing/Communications Team [Won]

Part of the team that won the Outstanding Marketing/Communications Team award for our COVID campaign.

PRWeek Global
Public Sector Team [Won]

Part of the team that won in the Public Sector category for our COVID-19 research communication.

UK Social Media Awards
Best Low-Budget Campaign [Shortlisted]

'Best low-budget campaign' category for Oxford at Home & COVID Conversations livestream series I devised and ran.

CIPR Awards
Education Category [Won]

Part of the team that won the Education category and was shortlisted in the COVID Response category for our COVID-19 research communication.

CASE Awards - Gold
Communications Category [Won]

Part of the team that won CASE Gold for our COVID campaign approach.

Guardian University Awards
Marketing & Communications [Runner-up]

Runner-up in the Marketing and Comms category for my True Planet campaign which aimed to inspire debate around climate science and to position our academics as trusted experts for government and industries to consult.

CASE Awards - Gold
Podcasts Category [Won]

CASE Gold won for the Futuremakers podcast I co-produced, wrote and co-edited.

CIPR Excellence Awards
Education Category [Shortlisted]

Shortlisted for our comms work around the True Planet campaign.

Brand Film Festival London
People-Led Stories [Silver & Bronze]

Part of team who created a series of people-led stories in partnership with Lonely Leap agency.

SABRE Awards
Best Small-Budget Reactive [Shortlisted]

Led on the reactive work for our ‘Ed Balls' Day’ content.

UK Social Media Communications Awards
Best Charity/ Not-For-Profit Campaign [Won]

Part of the team that won for our ‘The Joy of Sticks’ campaign.

Brand of the Year [Won]

Within the Digital Marketing Team that won ‘Brand of the Year’.

DRUM Social Buzz
Best Charity/ Not-For-Profit Campaign [Nominated]

For the ‘Nation’s Ode to the Coast’ element of our Coast Campaign, in partnership with Mischief PR.

UK Social Media Communications Awards
Best Integrated Campaign [Won]

Part of the team that won for bringing together several channels within our Coast Campaign.

PR Week Awards
'Most Innovative Use of Digital and Social Media' & 'Best use of Content' [Shortlisted]

Part of the team shortlisted for our work during the Coast Campaign.

PR Week Awards
'Issues and Crisis Management' [Shortlisted]

Part of the team shortlisted for our reactive comms work to the Clandon Park Fire.

CIPR Awards
Best use of Digital [Won]

Part of the team that won for our digital channel work during the Coast Campaign.