Seven of the best... gardening-themed Instagram accounts


If you’re looking for allotment inspiration, this is absolutely the place to begin. Lots of fun short video, tips and quirky solutions for any problems small-plot gardeners are experiencing.


Allotment gardening social celebrity with a bright, breezy and fun Insta feed - one that also tackles some heavy subjects, like this post on avoiding using peat projects.


Award winning garden designer and presenter, this channel is full of beautiful close-ups of flowers and plants, alongside filmed tips and tricks for your own gardening projects.


Well-branded account from this garden writer and photographer - check out the stories in particular. Tracking the creation of an 'eco homestead’ from scratch, which is pretty compelling following.


Organic gardener and chef, whose Insta feed is a wholesome mix of food and growing food. It’s often super colourful as well.


One of the leading recent ‘plantfluencers’ driving gardening-related hashtags across social. Lots of cooking and recipe tips as well.

Another allotment account, but one with a bit of a difference - a focus on an organic approach within a 1830’s Heritage Victorian Allotment. The account follows her work throughout the season, with fantastic gardening guides in the stories/reels.

Bonus: @aritanderson

Want to know some of the big things going on in the gardening world? You should also be following this feed then, where award-winning gardening personality, Arit, charts her journey around the gardening world.

[Caveat: this is totally unscientific, just based on things I’ve come across and admired]


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